Medieval bakery

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Medieval bakery

[ideas-plain-rating-result id=6058] Array 0 100

Wir zeigen hier eine Idee für eine mittelalterliche Bäckerei mit Wohnbereich.

The goods are sold directly in front of the door of the bakery at the market place.
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The bakery with working area and a burning oven with freshly baked bread.
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On the first floor is the small living area of the bakery family. Here you can also see the baker’s work clothes, which have already turned white from the flour. On the ground floor, where the bakery oven is located, there is also a small second oven on the first floor.
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In the attic you can still find the bakery warehouse. It is mainly flour that is stored there.


  1. Coole Idee, nicht zu aufwendig und bisher nur Likes! 😀 (Wird bestimmt ‘ne 100% Idee)
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