Realistischer Kurzstreckentransport von Items – ermöglicht je nach Design verschiedene Verwendungen (z.B. Fließband, Förderband oder Abflussrinne).
This small transport variant takes advantage of the sliding of items on ice-cream/package ice. While the items are accelerated in the background (see instructions), they glide in the visible area on the stone steps to the funnel, where the raw materials can be further processed/transported. This gliding enables the ice (recommendation: use pack ice, simplifies the handling), which is located directly under the steps (no matter what kind).
So the sliding property of the ice also works despite the steps and the items once set in motion still slide at least 6 blocks far! Some would slip 7 or even 8 blocks, but some would stay on the 6th block, so a maximum range of 6 blocks is recommended to avoid losses due to despawning.
Depending on your individual design, this little gadget can be used in many different ways. Whether as an assembly line in a factory/industrial plant, as a conveyor belt at a supermarket checkout or as a pouring channel in metal processing, in the future you will be able to transport raw materials openly, visibly and creatively. Of course, other methods are faster or have greater ranges, this idea is rather intended as an optically effective alternative for short distances.
Here, for example, this basic idea was developed in a gold smelter, where I wanted to let the metal “flow out” from the blast furnaces:
Minecraft Rising 048 | Gold melt part 1 – Fully automatic gold transport
Die Items werden durch einen Werfer in einen Wasserstrom geschossen, der diese dann auf Packeis beschleunigt und bereits auf kurzer Strecke eine ausreichende Geschwindigkeit erzeugt.

Muß sagen gute Idee bleiben die items nicht liegen auf denn halben stufen ?
Nein, die Items rutschen bei den von mir angegebenen Abmessungen verlustfrei bis in den Einzugsbereich des Trichters, der sie dann aufnimmt!