Berlin Radio Tower (for 1.9)

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Berlin Radio Tower (for 1.9)

[ideas-plain-rating-result id=6844] Array 0 100

Mein nachbau des Berliner Funkturms in Minecraft mit Aufzug der allerdings erst ab v1.9 funktioniert.

Hello ,

I had set my mind to build a real building as true to the original as possible in Minecraft, because I’m Berlin, of course the buildings of my city have gone through my head. Brandenburger Tor have already made many, the television tower also and so I then came to the radio tower 😀

Now I’ve built the tower for a week and that’s the result:

There is an elevator (but it only works 1.9) and a fire escape for emergencies.

When you take the elevator up, it stops at the restaurant level:

Below is the kitchen and the toilets.

The light of the plane can be operated with a lever. If you get into the elevator in the restaurant Ebene again and press the button there, you go further up to the viewing platform.

I will still upload the radio tower as a schematic file, then everyone can have a look at it ^^/>

I finally finished the schematic file and uploaded it to planetminecraft:
and minecraft-schematics:
&lt;font color=”#ffff00″&gt;Sync by honeybunny &lt;font color=”#ffff00″&gt;